Black Cats Bring Good Luck

search history

Coming from Sarah's room, Dirt could hear three distinct voices. Sarah, Salem... and it took him a second to recognize the third as he walked towards her door. It was Mitt's voice. Dirt didn't know she was going to be here... Why did no one tell him? Whatever. He went back to his room and lied back in bed, grabbing his blindfold and pulling it over his eyes.

He tossed and turned for an hour, falling asleep only for a few seconds in short bursts every few minutes. He groaned uncomfortably and threw his blanket off of him, feeling too hot. Then the next minute, he felt too cold, and pulled the covers back onto him. And then he was too hot again. Fuck.

Dirt got out of bed and went into the living room where Salem had left his laptop. Open on the screen was the last thing Salem had been looking at: a thread in the r/relationships subreddit. Oh god he's on reddit... Dirt noticed Salem had even logged into his own account, and had a picture of Hello Kitty as his icon. His username was catboysalem2000. Lol...

why does my (21M) roommate (26M) not want to have sex with his boyfriend yet?

okay so like my roommate just got together (liek a month or so ago) with the guy he was crushing on and worked together with for forever and doesnt want to have sex with him even though his bf does? i dont get it...

edit: they r not asexual

edit 2: my roommate is a virgin, yes

Man, what the fuck... I'm not even a man... Dirt rolled his eyes, but wondered what else Salem had been up to on his computer... He checked the history. 10 instances of tumblr, 24 of reddit, and several random links from following certain google searches.

His search history, starting from when he'd first started using Dirt's laptop a lot, read:

type faster help
typeing class
typeing help
typing help
how do i get weed
how do i get weed free
how do i get weed without money
how to make money without a job
easy way to make money
make money fast

This was not boding well. However, the subject appeared to be dropped, and there wasn't another search until a few weeks later:

catboy -disney
catboy -disney -pj -masks
real catpeople
catpeople in real life

what is "prostate"
penis health
how does penis work
prostate meaning
prostate perpose

Oh my god. What the fuck. That train of thought similarly seemed to halt quite quickly, thankfully for Dirt.

tuna good for cats
tuna good for cats study
how to open tuna can
where is the can opener
open can no can opener

Most recently, as in the minutes before barging in to Dirt's room, Salem had searched:

girafe wiki
(which then led him down a long rabbit hole of different wikipedia pages for the next thirty minutes)
why does it hurt when im by myself
how to not feel lonely

D: Dirt frowned and sighed. He knew that feeling. But Dirt quickly convinced himself he didn't need to feel bad, because Salem was now hanging out with two of his favorite people and it sounded like they were all having a great time!

Dirt turned youtube autoplay on on the tv and scrolled through tumblr on his laptop, which rested on his stomach as he lied on the couch. For hours, he just sort of mindlessly scrolled and half-watched whatever video was on in the background, trying to maybe tire his brain out, is what he thought he was doing. It wasn't really working, though, and was more waking Dirt up than it was making him any more drowsy.

Around 8PM, Sarah came out of her room and went to the kitchen and started making popcorn. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" she asked Dirt, mostly just teasing him.

"Bleh," he said. "What are y'all doin' in there?"

"Watching Tokyo Mew Mew!!!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly. "They seem to really like it! Especially Mitt!" she smiled proudly.

"Hah.. wow..."

"Do you want any warm milk or anything?" Sarah asked sweetly.

"Yyyyyyyeeeeessss......" Dirt whined, intentionally annoyingly. Sarah just laughed and grabbed the milk from the fridge. After her popcorn was finished, she threw a glass of milk in the microwave for Dirt, and then brought it to him once it was nice and toasty. "Oooggh... Thank you, Sarah," he said in awe as he carefully took the warm glass and took a small sip, burning the tip of his tongue. "Ooowa it's hot!" he yelped. Sarah snorted, amused at Dirt's misfortune.

When Sarah returned to her room, Dirt could hear Salem and Mittens cheering at her arrival. Dirt chuckled lightly, and took small sips of his milk.

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