Black Cats Bring Good Luck

three joints

After their shift together, Dirt took Brian back to his place again, as it had become a usual thing whenever the two had a shift together. When they arrived, Salem announced, "I rolled us each a personal joint!" proudly holding up Dirt's Teen Titans lunchbox which held, among other things, the three joints.

"Siiiiick," Brian cheered, then high fived Salem. They all sat down on the couch and Salem passed out the joints like they were cheap cigars in the hospital waiting room and his wife was giving birth. "Oh, dude, can I show you this video essay I watched the other night? I think you'd really like it," Brian asked.

"Dude... I think that is the most romantic thing you have ever said to me.. Yes, of course..." Dirt replied, resting his head on Brian's shoulder and his hand on his knee. On the other side of Brian, Salem leaned against him as he smoked his joint.

Five minutes into said video essay, Salem got bored. "I'm bored..." he said.

"Go play Wiki Pages, Salem," Dirt suggested.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Salem bounded off the couch into Dirt's room.

"'Play Wiki Pages'?" Brian questioned.

Dirt chuckled. "He thinks wikipedia is a game... I think he just really likes learning about stuff haha..." he explained.

"That's adorable," Brian said, before they both remained silent so they could focus on the video. They managed to get through the whole thing without any interruptions, and started to talk about their own thoughts on what was discussed in the video. But then Salem got bored again. He came out of Dirt's room, Dirt's laptop under his arm.

"Hey I'm hungry," he said, sitting down next to Dirt.

Dirt sighed. "Okay," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Excuse me a sec, bro," he said to Brian, as he got off the couch to pour some cat food into Salem's bowl.

"Mmmm nooooo I want the good stuff!!!" Salem demanded.

Again, Dirt sighed. "Alright, dude, but this is your last can, okay?"

"Okay!!!" Salem cheered excitedly. Dirt opened up a can of wet food and plopped into the bowl for Salem, who transformed into cat mode to eat it. Dirt washed the food juices off of him before returning to Brian on the couch.

"Do you wanna go to my room?" Dirt asked, "So we can maybe have a little more privacy?" Brian nodded, intrigued, and followed Dirt into his bedroom. He closed the door behind him. "Can I ask you something?" Dirt asked as the two sat down on his bed. "It's kind of a uh... personal topic? Not personal to you, though, like.. to me."

"Uhhhh.... Yeah, what is it man?" Brian asked, utterly confused.

"Okay, so like. The other day, like... Salem.. asked if I wanted to have sex with him?" Brian immediately looked shocked. "Yeah.. hah... uhh.. I-I said no! Obviously.. Uh."

"Are you bouta ask me if you can fuck your catboy?"

"NO!" Dirt shouted, and then laughed, "God! No, I just... I dunno I wanted to ask like, what do you think is up with that? I guess? I don't know I think I just wanted to tell someone about it," he admitted.

"Hm. Okay," Brian said, not knowing what the fuck else to say in this situation because what the fuck... "Y'know, I dunno how I feel about that... Someone else tryna fuck my boyfriend? Before I even do?"

"Well It's not like I'm gonna let him, dude, don't worry," Dirt said, lightly chuckling. He was a little flustered at Brian's reaction. He hugged him, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Every reminder that he was Brian's boyfriend got him butterflies in his stomach and a light blush to the cheeks. He was also a little faded, which was making him real giggly and cuddly. Brian laughed as well and kissed Dirt on the top of his head, as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed.

"Mmm I'm sleepy...." Brian said groggily, "Let's lie down." He lied down and pulled Dirt down with him by the arms. They both gayly giggled as the fell back together. Brian's arms engulfed Dirt's smaller body, and Dirt was so warm and felt so safe.

They lied facing each other, and Brian released Dirt so he could see his face. He smiled softly as he cupped their face in his hand, caressing their cheekbone with his thumb. "I love you," Brian whispered.

Dirt's breath was momentarily taken completely away. " do?" he asked, absolutely lovestruck. Brian chuckled at his gay little reaction. "I love you too," Dirt said happily, a smile overtaking his face. They kissed, and Dirt never wanted this moment to end...

But them Salem barged in. Dirt and Brian both startled, and pulled away from one another. "I'm bored again," Salem said, inviting himself in. He closed the door behind him and sat at the foot of the bed. Dirt and Brian looked at each other, then back to Salem. "What?"

"We were kind of having a moment," Dirt said.

"Umm.. okay, cool? I am bored, sooo..." Salem said expectantly.

Dirt rolled his eyes. "Don't you still have my laptop?" he asked.

"Yyyeeaah.... but I don't wanna be alone...." Salem said with wide eyes.

Dirt sighed, then looked at Brian. "Is it okay?" he asked.

"Oh uhhh yeah, sure," Brian shrugged.

"YIPPEE!!" Salem shouted before literally JUMPING in between the two of them, getting himself all comfy.

"Agh! Salem!" Dirt exclaimed with a nervous laugh.

"Ooohhh this is nice...." Salem sighed, satisfied. "Brian.. you smell really good.." he commented.

"Um. Th-thank you??" Brian said hesitantly, looking at Dirt, confused. Dirt just shrugged.

"Sooo have you guys fucked yet?" Salem asked casually.

"SALEM!" Dirt screeched.

Brian laughed. "Nah," he replied, just as casually.

"Oh em gee, for real? Why not??"

"GH! DUDE!!!!"

"We're just takin' things slow," Brian answered calmly as Dirt had a fucking conniption in the background, "It's chill."

"Hm! Humans are soooo weird..." Salem commented with a roll of his eyes. He rolled around, nuzzling and rubbing on Dirt and Brian. The three of them sort of quasi-cuddled together until Salem dozed off.

"Heh.. he's asleep," Dirt whispered. Then, he looked up and realized that Brian was also asleep. "Oh..." His eyelids got very heavy... and soon enough he couldn't keep them open anymore, and was out with the rest of 'em.

When Dirt woke up again, he was uncomfortably sweaty, but was tangled up with Brian, so it wasn't too bad. As he peeled himself out of his boyfriend's grasp, Brian started to wake up as well. "Eugh... Sweaty..." he mumbled groggily. They separated and Brian stood up, and did that thing where you like wiggle your shirt to try and fan yourself with it? Idk how else to describe it lol. "Agh... We slept for an hour," Brian said, checking his watch. "I should get goin..."

"Oh, okay, yeah," Dirt said, mildly disappointed that his time with Brian was about to end. He stood up and walked Brian to the door, giving him a quick kiss before waving him off.

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