Black Cats Bring Good Luck


When Mittens and her husband arrived, Salem excitedly flung the door open, and the two transformed into cats and were instantly all over each other, licking each other and rolling around on the floor together, playing like kittens. It was quite an adorable sight.

"Hi, I'm Jameson, you can call me James." Mittens' husband introduced hirself, shaking Dirt and Sarah's hands.

"It's nice to meet you!" Sarah said cheerily. Jameson was a few inches shorter than Dirt. Ze had buzzed chesnut hair and piercing turquoise eyes. Ze had a bit of scruff on hir chin and upper lip, and both hir ears had small gages in them. Ze was wearing worn out blue jeans with huge holes in the knees, well-loved combat boots, and a customized denim vest over a Beatles t-shirt.

"What are your guys' pronouns?" James asked, "Mine are ze/hir or it."

"Oh, she/her for me!" Sarah beamed.

"Uhm he or they is good," Dirt answered with a shy smile. For some reason, he was really intimidated by Jameson. He felt short of breath around hir, and his heart was beating faster than normal. It was some... aura ze gave off that made Dirt feel like ze was judging him hardcore. He felt like a sickly pale twig in James' presence.

"Sweet," James said with a warm smile, "So how long have you had Buttercup?"

"Oh! We actually sort of renamed him Salem before we knew.. you know, that he's a person! And he decided to keep it!" Sarah explained.

"Salem.. That's cute," said James, putting hir hands in hir pockets.

"Anyways! We've had him for... gosh! It's only been a little over a month, but it feels like so much longer!" Sarah answered. "How long have you known Mitt?"

"I found her five years ago, actually." Sarah gasped. "Hah, yeah.. She was filthy, and covered in fleas, but she was pregnant! My heart just ached for her and I couldn't stop myself from takin' her in.. Once her kittens were weaned, she revealed herself to me. As it turned out, her litter was just normal cats, not people, so they grew up real fast, and we gave 'em away at 14 weeks."

"Wow...." Sarah said, stars in her eyes. "So.. you two are married? When did that happen? ...How did that happen?" she chuckled.

"Ah, yes.. We aren't actually married in the eyes of the law, but we love each other and we wear rings," Jameson showed hir ring; a simple silver wedding band. "For the longest time, we were really just... a cat and her owner! That's all our relationship was. It wasn't until just last year that things started to change. I can't explain it, to be honest," ze shrugged, "After that, since we were already so close, our relationship escalated pretty quickly, and well! Here we are, now.."

"Awwwwwww!!!!!" Sarah cooed, clasping her hands together. Her eyes were filled with tears. "That's the sweetest story I've ever heard!" she exclaimed. "Well! It's nice to meet another person who knows about catpeople, I gotta say!"

Dirt turned his attention to said catpeople, noticing they'd transformed back into humans.

"BITCH! A COLLAR?? And you said I was whipped!" Mitt yelled, jingling the bell on Salem's collar.

"SHUT UP! It's only because I am so dainty and quiet that I kept accidentally sneaking up on my servants," Salem said, crossing his arms. Mitt cackled. "GOD I can't believe how HUGE your tits got!" he exclaimed, poking her boob. Dirt didn't mean to stare, but... Well...

"HAHAHAH!!! That's what happens when you have five litters of kittens!"

"FIVE???? JESUS CHRIST! You are SUCH a slut!"

"Ehehehe thank you, thank you," Mittens said, taking a bow.

Sarah stuck her head in on the siblings. "Umm.. hi! It's nice to meet you, Mittens! I'm Sarah," she said with a smile, holding her hand out. Mittens looked at her hand for a second, then ignored it, going instead for a hug and a head nuzzle. "Oh! Hehe!!" Sarah blushed, not expecting all the physical contact.

"Isn't her name soooo stupid?" Salem said, "I mean, she doesn't even HAVE mittens! Our mom's owner was such a weirdo and named her that for no fuckin' reason."

"Yeah, sure, okay Buttercup.." Dirt intruded. Salem hissed at him.

"God, I don't even know this guy's NAME yet!" Mitt said embarrassedly, gesturing to Dirt.

"Oh, it's Dirt." Mittens snorted.

"Pfft—okay, I'm sorry, but I think you win worst name," she said.

Dirt crossed his arms. "Well, I like my name!"

"Mittens, don't even acknowledge this guy, he's dead to me," Salem said dryly, stepping in front of Dirt to block him.

"Oh yeah, he told me you were mad at him. What happened?"

"He tried to have me FUCKING SPAYED!" Salem yelled with a growl. Mittens' jaw dropped.

"BITCH!" she said, directed at Dirt. "That would have been HILARIOUS!"

"FUCK YOU!!!" Salem bleated at Mitt. She just cackled. Dirt sidestepped out of the conversation.

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