back next10:45PM
amber: can u cover 4 me 😬
amber: my 6-10
dirt: yea np
amber: TY!!! 💖💖💖💖💖lunch soon so i can repay u!!!!
dirt: its fine bro u dont have to do that
amber: but im gunna 😤😤😤
Dirt rolled his eyes with a chuckle, shoving his phone back into his pocket as he walked out the front door. Leslie was working graveyard with him that night. He was quiet; Dirt hardly ever heard her speak. He'd mostly just sit in the corner on his phone until Dirt asked her to do something, or a customer needed help or something. Overall, it was another pretty uneventful night at work. Until Dirt got a text:
brian♥: hey i kno ur at work rn but after ur shift we need 2 meet up
me: im covering amber 6-10 too :( sowwy ♥ after that?
brian♥: oh shit
brian♥: ok yeah
brian♥: ill meet u there jst stay there ok
me: ok :0 love u!Brian didn't respond to Dirt's last text. Hm. He'd... always sent back a 'love you' at the end of conversations if Dirt had sent one.... For god's sake, Dirt really didn't need to be acting so paranoid right now! He knew Brian loved him! He didn't need to hear it every single time they talked! He quickly put his focus back on his job. Another customer was coming in.
Leslie left at 6, leaving Dirt alone for the rest of his day. Daisy was supposed to be showing up soon, but they were nearly always late, so Dirt wasn't surprised when they weren't there til 6:40. "Eeeeyyyyyy Daaaissyyyy......Maisy......." Dirt tried to rhyme at them as they entered.
Daisy chuckled. "Someone's tired," they joked. Daisy was shorter than Dirt, by a little under a foot, maybe. Their long, brown-to-blue ombre dyed hair was in a ponytail that came out over their 7-11 visor. Dirt lowkey felt gender-envious of them. Only lowkey, though...
"Covering for Amber," Dirt explained, "I've been here for over 8 hours."
"Ew," Daisy replied.
The rest of their shift went by quickly, as Dirt was sort of in auto mode, with how sleep deprived he was. He was hardly paying any attention to his surroundings, just ringing up customers, mopping spills, sneaking a muffin or two.. By the time it was over and Dirt was walking out of the building, he'd completely forgotten that he'd agreed to see Brian. But there he was, standing against the brick wall at the end of the parking lot, calling out to him.
Dirt half-jogged over to him, and went to hug him, but Brian rejected his advances. "What's wrong?" Dirt questioned.
"Um... Listen. So... Patrick told me... that..... you lied to him about having delusions?" What?
"What?" Huh?
"He told me, to like, see if they were the one in the wrong in the situation, I guess?" Brian explained.
"...They 'Am I the Asshole'd' you?" Dirt joked.
Brian laughed uncomfortably, "Yeah.. uhhhhh, listen." Brian sighed heavily and crossed his arms. "I can't... I can't do.. this."
"Do what?" Dirt asked quickly, anxiety growing in his chest.
"Dirt, I really really like you, but.."
"I'm sorry. I've been hurt too badly before by liars. I can't take that risk again."
"What?? No! Dude. Dude! What! What are you even talking about??? I don't understand! I didn't do anything wrong!" Dirt argued.
"I'm sorry, but I just can't take any chances," Brian reasoned, "It's not... It's not personal it's—"
"IT'S NOT PERSONAL? Hah! Brian, are you serious??? Of course it's personal, why would you be breaking up with me if it wasn't fucking personal?"
"Don't interrupt me," Brian demanded sternly.
"I'm sorry," Dirt said quietly, fearfully.
"This is... this isn't the first time I've seen you lie, either.. About, like, kinda big things? Like, you said that Sarah's nephew was visiting you?"
"That... I... That was because of Salem..."
"I don't care why it was, dude, it's... weird! And I'm not gonna let myself get tangled up like I did before. I'm sorry."
"So.... You're seriously just. Breaking up with me? Over this??" Dirt asked tearfully.
"I don't have a choice," said Brian. Dirt scoffed and rolled his eyes, and tears started to fall down his cheeks. God dammit don't fucking cry, you're ANGRY, bitch! Stop fucking crying!!! "I'm sorry," Brian said again, his lip quivering and his voice breaking.
Dirt just scoffed angrily again, not wanting to say anything else in the fears he'd cry even harder if he tried to. "I.. I should get goin..." Brian said, no longer making eye contact with Dirt.
“Oh, yeah, okay," Dirt scoffed, "Fine," he crossed his arms, "Don't even LET me give any sort of explanation! Just fucking WALK away!" he shouted, his voice wavering as he held back sobs. Brian was already walking away, though, and not looking back.
Dirt stormed over to his bike and unlocked it through furious sobbing. He angrily rode off, violently pedaling down the street, wiping his face of tears with his jacket sleeve as he went. Fucking stupid. Everyone's staring at me. Everyone's wondering what's wrong with me. Please tell me this is just a nightmare. Fuck. I'm so fucking stupid! How could I have thought for a second that I was deserving of love? Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! Dirt felt empty.